Saturday, April 3, 2010

9th inning

The Final Four starts today. I must say, I really don't understand all the Duke-hating. Kids from a great academic school, breaking all the stereotypes in a power conference? For me, Coach K is proof that you can be successful while emphasizing the 'student' part of the 'student-athlete' equation. This isn't like Memphis or USC, where kids are one-and-done. I'm sure Coach K has had kids who have done that, but, seriously. Why is a school being vociferously attacked for producing good students and good athletes? Duke basketball is the model that every school in every sport should seek to emulate. If you're a scholarship player for a major school, you have a responsibility to your coach, your school, and - most importantly, yourself - to achieve as much as possible both in the classroom and out. To me, Duke epitomizes what is good about collegiate sports. This isn't one of the Bob Huggins teams where he graduates 0 players in a four year span. Duke's players seem to realize that they have responsibilities beyond those on the court. I applaud that, and I challenge anyone who thinks differently.

Castro smacks a double. This kid may be coming up sooner rather than later.

Castro on second, 1 down. Tracy flies out to right, Castro advances to third.

Baker now up. Shame about Coco Crisp, who just broke his finger sliding into second the last game before spring training. Crisp had surgery on both shoulders and his hammie in the offseason. Poor guy. You've got to feel for him.

K. On to the bottom of the 9th.

Caridad on for the 9th. Hopefully he will mix in some breaking pitches this time.

96 mph from Caridad results in a groundout, 5-3. Wow. Gas.

78 mph changeup from Caridad. Yow. Where was this in Mesa?

Back with 95. I like Brenly's calls here.

"Give it to a kid!" One of BB's great pieces of advice. If you catch a foul ball, and you're over 22, you give it to a kid. Period.

Base hit up the middle past a sliding Castro. One on, one out. Castro proved he can cover a hell of a lot of ground.

Another basehit through Caridad's legs. Ugh.

Runner one first and second, one out. Hawber up. Tailor-made double-play - 6-4-3. Cubs win!

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