Saturday, April 3, 2010

3rd Inning

Cubs 3rd:

I really hope the Cubs bring Lou back for 2011, and I think they will. Taking the Cubs to the playoffs three times in four years normally would get you in line for sainthood on the Northside, but going 0-6 in two NLDS's doesn't really work in today's Chicago, especially when the Cardinals and White Sox have won the World Series this decade. All signs say that Hendry will re-sign Lou, and I'd be surprised if Sandberg - my favorite Cub of all time, incidentally - wasn't up as a major league coach in come capacity next year - they seem to be grooming him for the future.

Fontenot now up. We really need him to play well this year. MF responds by dropping one over first for a single.

WGN runs a promo which reminds me precisely why I hate the Black-Eyed Peas.

Robinson, a AAA catcher, now up. Robinson pokes one over in the exact same place Fontenot did - good hit. Runner at the corners for Wells. Well-executed hit and run there by Robinson.

Wells up, likely to bunt to eliminate the double-play. Bunt needs to go towards first base. Wells changes his mind and fouls one off. 1-1. This is why I like the NL - there so much more strategy involved in the NL than in the AL. The role of manager involves much more than simply writing out a lineup and making pitching changes. Wells gets down a good bunt. Well done.

The Riot now up looking for some RBIs. This guy has done nothing but win his entire career - college, minors, majors, you name it. He and Fontenot are both LSU products. 1-2 to Theriot after a good slider. Enright is locating really well. Nothing he throws is spectacular, but he knows how to pitch. Theriot goes right up the middle for a base hit, Fontenot scores, Robinson to third. Good at-bat by Theriot.

Kosuke at bat. The Riot may try to swipe second here. Enright seems more concerned with Theriot than Fukudome. Good sign for the Cubs. Fukudome flies out deep to left, RBI. Great to see the Cubs playing some small ball and getting the runners in when they have the chances - they're not trying to hit HRs everytime they have someone on base. Another good sign. Theriot swipes second on the deep fly to left.

Lee now up, runner on second and two down. Lee still having problems recognizing Enrights' slider. I love the way Lee plays - he never seems too worked up about anything, very graceful in the field and at bat. Definite leader of the Cubs.

Len informs us that there are a lot of games at big-league parks this coming week. I consider updating my resume for WGN yet again.

Lee walks, Theriot advances to 3rd on a wild pitch.

Rami now up. This is the situation where Rami needs to produce - he's usually an RBI machine, but he hasn't performed well in spring. But as we all know, spring matters not. Monday is when it matters.

WGN always has one camera dedicated to the 'cute girl cam.' The cute girls are apparently in abundance in Phoenix. I approve wholeheartedly. I consider applying for jobs at the University of Arizona. Then I remember it never rains there and temperatures are 105 in the summer. No thanks.

I'll give Rami this - he never gets cheated on a swing. 2-2. Very interesting power hitter - doesn't strike out much, willing to take a walk, and an RBI machine. Along with Lee, our best clutch hitter. Upton loses the ball in the sun and Rami gets credited for a cheap RBI. 3-0 Cubs.

Byrd rips a grounder to second for the final out.

D'Backs 3rd:

Ramirez, Lee, Byrd, Theriot all done for the day. Starlin Castro, top Cubs prospect, in at short.

Groundout to second - one down.

Wells goes inside and hits Jackson on the wrist - you hate to see that. Hope he's OK. No intent by Wells; two-seamer just got away from him. Jackson will leave the game, but that's to be expected in an exhibition game.

Stephen Drew up. Wells walks him.

Upton now up, looking to make up for his gaffe in the field last inning. Upton is 22 years old - that's scary. The sky's the ceiling for him. Runs well, hits for average, hits for power. Wells has lost his command here. 3-2 to Upton. Upton floats one up to center, Parra is gunned down at the plate by 30 feet. Terrible send by the D'backs third base coach with only one out.

Now two down, runners on first and second, LaRoche up. Grounds out to second. Wells works out of trouble.

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