Saturday, April 3, 2010

8th inning

Apologies. Got distracted by a phone call and the pressing need to replace vanity bulbs. This game, after all, is of crucial importance.

Adduci up again. Len, as he is prone to do, is waxing rhapsodic about the D'backs new pitcher's mustache. The D'backs pitcher, naturally, walks Adduci on 4 pitches.

Great play by the Dbacks first baseman. Double play.

Bob Brenly's son Michael now up. Mikey B takes a four-pitch walk.

Ryan Flaherty batting now, (aka Johnny McRando). Gotta love spring training (ed: exhibition games). Promptly Ks.

Dbacks 8th:

I'm excited that Lowell from Wings is making a real-life comeback as a voiceover guy for commercials. Just like in Sideways. Art imitating life, or vice-versa?

Good pick at Tracy at first - looks like he's the 2010 DeRo. One down. By the way, why in the hell did we trade DeRo?

Pop up to Castro for the second out.

Samardzija works a 1-2-3. Great job.

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